islami është dritë
Es-selamu alejkum i/e nderuar antarë/e ju informojm se egziston aplikacioni i forumit për android në të njejtën kohë më i miri aplikacion për islam shkarkojeni në ballin me ikonën e forumit pastaj instalojeni dhe do të bindeni.
islami është dritë
Es-selamu alejkum i/e nderuar antarë/e ju informojm se egziston aplikacioni i forumit për android në të njejtën kohë më i miri aplikacion për islam shkarkojeni në ballin me ikonën e forumit pastaj instalojeni dhe do të bindeni.
islami është dritë
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Ata me gojat e tyre mundohen ta shuajn dritën e Allahut por,Allahu e përhap dritën e vet edhe pse nuk e duan pabesimtarët.
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Të nderuar vizitor dhe anëtarë ju tanimë keni mundësita merni aplikacionin e forumit me emrin islamieshtedrite direkt në linkun më poshtë dhe pasi që ta shkarkoni duhet ta instaloni duke lejuar në telefonin tuaj deri në fund të procedurës dhe pastaj do ta shikoni se ja kavlejt me e marë ngaqë nuk e gjeni një të tillë askund tjetër.
Aplikacioni vlen vetëm për android dhe nuk është për iphone apo ios.
Aplikacionin mund ta gjeni edhe ne playstore ku keto dite eshte postuar per prove shkruani ne plazstore islamieshtedrit dhe do tua nxjer për ta shkarkuar dhe instaluar.


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 Why People Choose Islam ??

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 167
Data e regjistrimit : 19/02/2012
Mosha : 29
Nacionaliteti-Sheti : Prizren :)

Why People  Choose Islam ?? Empty
MesazhTitulli: Why People Choose Islam ??   Why People  Choose Islam ?? EmptyFri 2 Mar 2012 - 15:05

Religions have prevailed since the dawn of mankind. Man has naturally been in the search of the truth and that is something which is available not very easily unless a person looks inside himself and starts working and observing from there. Old civilizations have worshiped the sun and the moon and animals and what not. The true religion that has fully satisfied mankind is the one which Allah Almighty has blessed us with, which we call Islam.

The purpose of existence is the only thing that can trigger some thoughts in your mind. This is one of the major factors that inspire a lot of people who think and observe during their lifetime. As Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

Do they not observe the birds above them, spreading their wings and folding them in? None can uphold them except (Allah) Most Gracious: truly it is He that watches over all things.
(Surah Al-Mulk)

People all around the world who are in search of the truth always incline towards Islam because it has something that no other religion has to offer, and that is salvation. Quran is the heavenly book that all Muslims around the world follow with ultimate belief and diligence. This heavenly book has solutions to all kind of problems that mankind can run into.

A normal human with no religion; what we call an atheist would think that the life is ending so that they can do anything to pass their time in the most enjoyable manner as they can. This is not a good practice overall.

Thou wilt indeed find them, of all people, most greedy of life-even more than the idolaters; each one of them wishes he could be given a life of a thousand years; but the grant of such life will not save him from (due) punishment, for Allah sees well all that they do. (Surah Al-Baqara)

The ones who believe that death is inevitable; they believe in doing some good deeds before they go to the grave, to prevail in the next life. Quran tells us all about the next life and the rewards that we humans will get. The heaven is a pleasant place where every single person will be in peace and will prevail for an indefinite time.

Did ye think that ye would enter heaven without Allah testing those of you who fought hard (in His cause) and remained steadfast? (Surah Aal-e-Imran)

Quran also says:

If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or female and have faith, they will enter heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them.(Surah An-Nisa)

The charisma that Islam holds is not just the promise of heaven; it is also the success that we humans get in this world by following the true words as delivered by the Holy Quran. The reason why Muslims face troubles is also some sort of test as Allah Almighty wishes. Yet there are the seekers of truth that are searching for the truth while it sits right there where they started but were too ignorant to clearly feel it.
Es salamu Alaikum!!

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